Troubleshooting: My Wyze Cam Won’t Scan QR Code – Fix It Now

If your Wyze Cam won’t scan the QR code, try performing a factory reset on the camera. This can help resolve any software issues that may be causing the problem.

Troubleshooting: My Wyze Cam Won't Scan QR Code - Fix It Now


1. Common Reasons For Wyze Cam Qr Code Scanning Issues

  • Camera lens and phone screen cleanliness
  • Dark mode and blue light filtering settings
  • Distance between camera and mobile phone

One of the most common problems faced when setting up a Wyze Cam is the inability to scan the QR code.

There are several factors that could contribute to this issue. Firstly, make sure to clean both the camera lens and your phone screen.

Any smudges or dirt may obstruct the scanning process. Additionally, check if dark mode or blue light filtering settings are enabled on your phone as these can interfere with QR code scanning.

Lastly, ensure that the distance between the camera and your mobile phone is appropriate. If it’s too close or too far, the QR code may not be detected.

By addressing these common reasons, you can troubleshoot and resolve QR code scanning issues with your Wyze Cam.

2. Solutions To Fix Wyze Cam Qr Code Scanning Issues

Having trouble with your Wyze Cam not scanning the QR code? Don’t worry, there are several solutions you can try to fix this issue.

Clean the camera lens and your phone’s screen: Sometimes, a smudged lens or a dirty screen can affect the camera’s ability to scan QR codes. Clean both surfaces with a soft, lint-free cloth to ensure clarity.

Disable dark mode and blue light filtering: Dark mode and blue light filtering settings on your phone can interfere with QR code scanning. Disable these features before attempting to scan the code.

Adjust the distance between the camera and the phone: The camera and the phone should be at an optimal distance for successful scanning. Try adjusting the distance and angles to find the best position for scanning.

Reset the Wyze Cam to factory settings: If all else fails, you can try performing a factory reset on the camera. This will reset all settings to their default configuration, which may resolve any scanning issues.

Remember to try these solutions one at a time and test the QR code scanning after each attempt. Hopefully, you will be able to successfully scan the QR code and set up your Wyze Cam without any further issues.

3. Additional Tips To Resolve Wyze Cam Qr Code Scanning Problems

Having trouble with your Wyze Cam scanning the QR code? Here are some additional tips to help you resolve the issue:

  • Check that you are using the latest app and firmware versions.
  • Ensure that motion detection is turned on for the camera.
  • Double-check the placement of your Wyze Cam to ensure it is positioned correctly.
  • If you are experiencing person detection issues, troubleshoot by referring to the Wyze Support.

If the problem persists, you can try performing a factory reset on the camera. This can help to reset any settings that may be causing the scanning issue.


To resolve the issue of your Wyze Cam not scanning the QR code, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take.

Firstly, try a factory reset on the camera to restore it to its default settings. Additionally, make sure that the camera lens and your phone’s screen are clean.

Disable dark mode and blue light filtering on your phone and carefully scan the QR code again. If the problem persists, check the distance between the camera and your phone, as it should be within the optimal range.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully scan the QR code and set up your Wyze Cam.

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