Can I Move My Roomba Home Base? Discover the Power of Relocating!

Can I Move My Roomba Home Base? Yes, you can move your Roomba home base without any issues, as long as you do it before starting a cleaning job. It is important to follow basic guidelines and ensure that the Roomba is not currently in the middle of a cleaning task when moving the base.

This allows the Roomba to figure out its new location and continue its cleaning routine effectively. Relocating the home base is a common practice among homeowners, as it allows them to modify and change the layout of their living space.

There is no need for additional training runs, as the Roomba will be able to locate the base’s new position on its own.

Relocating The Roomba Home Base: Discover The Power Of Relocating!

Moving your Roomba Home Base is possible as long as you follow the basic guidelines. Just make sure that your Roomba is not in the middle of a cleaning job when relocating the base.

Can I Move My Roomba Home Base?Yes, you can relocate the Roomba home base and follow the basic guidelines. Make sure the Roomba is not on a cleaning job when moving the base.
Changing Home Base location – RoombaAs long as you don’t move it mid-cleaning job, Roomba will figure it out. Relocate base before you start the job.
Best strategy for multiple rooms?You should be able to relocate the home base without any issues as long as the basic space rules are followed.
Do I need to remap Roomba if I move the base?If major changes to the home layout are made or the charging dock is moved, the map will need to be deleted and remapped.
Can Roomba have two home bases?Yes, they sell the base separately. You could put one on each floor. The vacuum will return to the base it started from.

Guidelines For Moving The Roomba Home Base

Yes, you can relocate the Roomba home base and follow the basic guidelines. Make sure the Roomba is not on a cleaning job when moving the base.

If major changes to the home layout are made or the charging dock is moved, the map will need to be deleted and remapped. While your robot is cleaning, your map will not update. Any modifications needed to your Smart Map will require deleting your Smart Map and starting a new mapping run.

Keep the Clean Base™ on a level surface: Putting the Clean Base™ at an angle will cause your robot to clean diagonally in motion in relation to the wall.

Yes. They sell the base separately. You could put one on each floor. The vacuum will return to the base it started from.

So while your Roomba can function properly in rooms that contain obstacles, it’s a good idea to put the charging base in a place where there aren’t too many of them. Cords, shaggy rugs, doors that Roomba

Benefits Of Relocating The Roomba Home Base

Moving the Roomba home base offers various benefits, such as the ability to easily change its location and modify cleaning routines. As long as you follow the basic guidelines and avoid moving it during a cleaning job, relocating the base is a simple and hassle-free process.

  • Ease of recharging and finding the base in different rooms
  • Changing up and modifying the layout of the home
  • No need for additional training runs for the Roomba to locate the base’s new location
  • No remapping required if the base is moved within an already known area
  • Possibility to have multiple home bases for different floors
  • Ability to clean diagonally in relation to the wall if the base is placed in a corner
  • Ensuring the charging base is placed on a level surface to prevent cleaning issues
  • Avoiding obstacles such as cords and shaggy rugs near the charging station

Tips For Moving And Placing The Roomba Home Base

You can easily move your Roomba home base as long as you do it before starting a cleaning job. Just make sure to follow the basic guidelines and avoid moving it mid-cleaning. Your Roomba will figure out its new location without any issues.

The Roomba Home Base can be moved and relocated without any issues as long as you follow some basic guidelines. It is important to ensure that the Roomba is not in the middle of a cleaning job when you move the base.

Relocate the base before you start a cleaning job to avoid any confusion. When placing the base, it is recommended to avoid placing it in corners or at an angle.

Putting the base at an angle can cause the robot to clean diagonally in relation to the wall. It is also important to keep the Clean Base on a level surface to ensure proper functionality.

If you need to remap the Roomba due to major changes in the home layout or moving the charging dock, the map will need to be deleted and remapped.

Additionally, if you have multiple floors, you can have a home base on each floor, and the Roomba will return to the base it started from.

Remapping Roomba After Moving The Base

Yes, you can relocate the Roomba home base without any issues, as long as you follow the basic guidelines. It is important to ensure that the Roomba is not on a cleaning job when you move the base.

By doing this, you can avoid any confusion or disruption in its navigation process. However, if major changes are made to the home layout or if the charging dock is moved, the map will need to be deleted and remapped.

During the cleaning process, the map does not update automatically, so any modifications to the Smart Map will require deleting the current map and starting a new mapping run.

Additionally, it’s important to keep the Clean Base on a level surface to ensure proper functioning. You can also consider having multiple home bases if needed, as Roombas can recognize and return to the base they started from.

Can I Move My Roomba Home Base? Discover the Power of Relocating!


Multiple Roomba Home Bases

Yes, you can relocate the Roomba home base and follow the basic guidelines. Make sure the Roomba is not on a cleaning job when moving the base.

Moving your Roomba Home Base is possible and many homeowners regularly move and relocate them to change up and modify their cleaning routines.

Your Roomba base location is mapped into the robot to ensure it finds its way back and recharges itself to continue cleaning.

You don’t need any more training runs for your Roomba to locate the base’s new location. It’s important to remember that if major changes to the home layout are made or the charging dock is moved, the map will need to be deleted and remapped.

Additionally, it’s recommended to keep the Clean Base on a level surface to ensure proper cleaning.

Having multiple Roomba home bases can be convenient, especially if you have multiple floors. You can purchase an additional base separately and place one on each floor.

This way, the vacuum will automatically return to the base it started from, ensuring that it is always charged and ready for cleaning.

When choosing the location for your Roomba charging station, it’s advisable to avoid placing it on carpet or near obstacles such as cords or shaggy rugs.

This will help prevent any interference with the docking process and ensure smooth operation.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Can I Move My Roomba Home Base

Do I Need To Remap Roomba If I Move The Base?

No, you do not need to remap your Roomba if you move the base. Just make sure to move the base when the Roomba is not cleaning.

Can I Put Roomba Base In A Corner?

Yes, you can put your Roomba base in a corner. Just make sure to relocate it before starting the cleaning job and follow the basic guidelines.

Can Roomba Have Two Home Bases?

Yes, Roomba can have two home bases. You can relocate the base as long as it’s not during a cleaning job. Follow the basic guidelines for moving the base.

Can I Put My Roomba Charging Station On Carpet?

Yes, you can place your Roomba charging station on carpet. However, it is recommended to avoid placing it in areas with obstacles such as cords, shaggy rugs, or loose items on the ground. This ensures that Roomba can easily find its way back to the charging station.


The answer is yes, you can move your Roomba home base. However, it’s important to follow some basic guidelines to ensure its functionality. Make sure to relocate the base before starting a cleaning job and avoid moving it during the process.

Additionally, if major changes are made to the home layout or the charging dock is moved, you may need to delete and remap the Roomba’s Smart Map. Overall, with proper care and consideration, relocating your Roomba home base should be a straightforward process.

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